Welcome to a radical's joeuser site. There's over ten thousand of us in the world, and we all can be found in your neighborhood Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, government rally (it doesnt really matter what cause), and a "burning of books" rally which is for the purpose of irony. If you feel you don't like, my articles, my posts, my etc., I don't really know what to do. F*** u I guess. Anyway, I hope you like my blog of a radical's thoughts, because, i, a radical, represent 10000 radicals all over the world, waiting to stir revolution and then leave it to the commies.
Don't Vote Bush. He won't do shit.
Don't Vote Kerry. He's just liberal garbage.
Don't Vote Nader. He's with Bush.
Tired of lying politicians and less extremists in our Congress? Vote for the Radical Party of America, vote for Hannibal Lector for President.
Radicals aren't America. Hannibal Lector is. Vote the American way.